Thursday, January 04, 2007


Thanksgiving. Disney World. Flu. Sinus infection. Doctor's office. Amoxicillin. Recovery. Christmas. Flu. Cold. Sinus infection. New Year's. Cold/flu fusion (clu? fold?).

Happy Holidays, my fat foot.

And that's just me. Other people in the house have been sick, too.

In the week before Christmas, only my wife did not go to the doctor. At one point, 4 of us were on Amoxicillin. For the past week, all 4 boys have been on Flovent and Albuterol.

Buy stock in Motrin.


At 4:55 PM, Blogger Becki said...

:( That makes me sad. I use to find if you guys were sick during the fall, you'd be sick all winter. If we could get you well and keep you well during the fall, we'd have a pretty good winter. I heartily recommend getting your immune system built back up - by any means necessary! Vitamins, Dan-Active, whatever! I'll pray for a speedy and complete recovery. Mom.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger fiorinda said...

Yeah, we've done that, too. All 4 kids and I were sick right before Christmas. Twin A is on his second Ear infection. Fun stuff.


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