Friday, May 26, 2006

. . . Just Like Me

Timothy gets really upset when he gets corrected, . . .

Stephen wants to do everything by himself, . . .

Jonah has a hair-trigger temper, and a hair-trigger laugh, . . .

Sam sighs heavily through his nose, . . .


At 12:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for that day when i can pick out things more acutely with Sam. She really does have several signature things she does that i'm still clueless on where she got them...

At 12:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd comment on your house offer, but the comments are turned OFFFFFF....

It's not like i'm going to tell you how half the cast of Lost dies in the climax of the first season or anything and that they find giant Gumbylike creatures living in caves that secretly run an online poker outfit.

Anyway, congratz on the house!!!!!! That's very cool.

When you said Tycho Brahe, i thought at first you were referring to . And i was confused. But no longer, thanks to that trusty Wikipedia! I'm a little awed/creeped out by you knowing that someone theoretically died by not peeing.


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